Pain relief is one of the chief concerns of so many people.I get it. It’s zero fun being in pain.Plus, pain is generally a signal that something
Human health and flourishing is one of the most complicated formulas (if you could call it that) in the known universe. While some people take offense
Music is one of those things that is extremely personal. Some people love country music, while others despise it. Others love Reggae, whereas another group finds
No one enjoys being in pain. It’s probably one of the chief reasons that people end up scheduling an appointment with a doctor. Pain generally
We love turmeric here at Health As It Ought To Be For one, if you begin incorporating it into your diet via turmeric powder, you
As I write this the holidays are upon me and you. The holidays are a special time because we focus intensely on food and we use a
One of the things that most people like to do when they’re dealing with low, or mid grade pain is take some kind of pain
It’s not a stretch to say that our country has a problem on its hands when it comes to pain management. Millions of prescriptions are written every
Pain is something that we all deal with. But, the way we treat it varies. And the treatments we employ can have long-lasting negative effects
Tylenol is definitely one of those pain medicines that we all know is bad for us… But sometimes you can’t get away from it because