One of the things that I don’t like about the various “healthy eating” trends are people’s tendencies to demonize certain foods. I’ve been guilty a
One of the beverages health professionals like myself are asked about frequently is coffee. Because coffee is a drug (well, caffeine is a drug) and it obviously has stimulatory properties, people can’t help but think it’s bad for you.
In my office, one of the methods I always mention for helping improve overall health is boosting gut health. I’d be willing to guess many
Cancer is the bane of our collective existence in the 20th century. It seems like it won’t leave us, and part of that may be
When most people hear the word “diet” they think of things like restrictive food recommendations…or kicking X type of food in favor of another. That’s
According to the most recent studies, about 1 in 7 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lives and approximately 1 in 39
If you’ve spent any amount of time on Facebook or alternative health sites, you’ve probably encountered this theory. Eating sugar leads to cancer…or sugar is absolutely
It sure was a weird winter this year, wasn’t it? My readers in the Western portion of the United States noticed that not a whole
“Nature’s Broom.” Ever heard of it? Well, I’m sure you’ve heard of it…you’ve probably even eaten it this week. “Nature’s Broom” is broccoli. And the
You know what I hate? I hate the fact that the emails I write where the headline features bad news or negative news are the emails