New Study Shows THIS Leads to 41 % of Cancer
Cancer is the bane of our collective existence in the 20th century.
It seems like it won’t leave us, and part of that may be because of something that’s happened in the 20th century.
For the past several decades researchers have long suspected the formation of cancer was anything but genetic.
And while our genes certainly play a large role in our health, and in particular cancer, it would seem the environment you live in, as well as the things you put inside your body, can have just as big an effect.
And that means our diet – what we put in our body – plays a HUGE role in contributing to cancer.
Looking at a recently published report out of Canada, we now have further proof that diet and what we ingest lead to as many as 41% of cancers.
Look, I know I write about cancer a lot. Part of the reason is because it’s such a pernicious and damaging disease.
And the other reason is because I believe strongly that cancer is one of those diseases we have a fighting chance against.
So long as we know how to fight this enemy of ours.
That’s why I’m encouraged to hear many physicians’ collective opinions on what causes cancer is being supported by more research.
It’s more than “I told you so.” It’s a step in the right direction.
In this research, the study found there were 24 distinct risk factors a person could participate in (or be exposed to) that would likely lead to the growth of cancer.
They wrote:
“We estimated summary population attributable risk estimates for 24 risk factors (smoking [both passive and active], overweight and obesity, inadequate physical activity, diet [inadequate fruit and vegetable consumption, inadequate fiber intake, excess red and processed meat consumption, salt consumption, inadequate calcium and vitamin D intake], alcohol, hormones [oral contraceptives and hormone therapy], infections [Epstein-Barr virus, hepatitis B and C viruses, human papillomavirus, Helicobacter pylori], air pollution, natural and artificial ultraviolet radiation, radon and water disinfection by-products) by combining population attributable risk estimates for each of the 24 factors that had been previously estimated.”
And in their estimation, those 24 factors would lead to somewhere around 40.8% of all cancers.
Some of these factors contributing to cancer make a lot of sense.
It’s going to be hard to find anyone who’ll argue with you about smoking being beneficial for your health (caveat – doctors once advised people on smoking cigarettes claiming it would help cure asthma).
But most people are really clueless when it comes to diet and its effect on health.
They hear repeatedly that a healthy diet will keep them slim…and may prolong their life.
Yet many of them simply can’t believe diet plays such a large role in their chances for developing cancer.
Now when it came to these 24 risk factors, the leading cause was cigarette smoking. By their estimation, It lead to 15.7% of all cancers .
Following that were physical inactivity at 7.2% and excessive body weight at 4.3%.
And while foods that were high in sugar or fat, or burned or charred (bbq) were listed as likely causing cancer…the #1 enemy to the body is processed food.
Natural News wrote about this:
“According to Hong Kong dietitian Sally Shi-Po Poon, “processed foods” can be said to represent any food that has been altered from its natural state in some way, for convenience’s sake.
Common processed foods include breakfast cereals, canned and frozen vegetables, bread, pasta, savory snacks such as crisps and biscuits, microwave or ready-to-eat meals, bread, oils, processed meats such as luncheon meat and jerky, and drinks such as coffee, juice, and milk.
However, not all processed foods are unhealthy, Poon said. For instance, milk needs to be pasteurized, therefore altered from its natural state, in order to remove harmful bacteria from its constitution.”
And while you know I’d never recommend dairy unless it’s raw, or fermented, I think the theory that processed food should be avoided could be expounded upon slightly.
To write off things like deli meats or beef jerky doesn’t make sense unless you consider what kind of meat it is in the first place.
Farm raised meat is always going to be better for your health than its conventional counterpart.
So examining the quality of food is just as important as examining what style of food it happens to be.
On the whole, I think studies like this reinforce our understanding of how to fight disease.
Armed with this information, you can seriously increase your chances of beating cancer, or of avoiding it altogether.
Talk soon,
Dr. Wiggy