Why Patients Are Raving about This Small Orange Bottle
Sometimes in life, a simple idea can set the world on fire.
And in other cases, it can set a small pocket of the world on fire.
Take for instance a product that Dr. Wiggy and his wife Emily produce called Clean It Well.
This little bottle of citrus-based cleaner was born out of the idea that in order to clean a home full of toddlers well, you don’t need to saturate every nook and cranny with potentially hazardous chemicals.
As we’ll show you in a moment, Dr. Wiggy’s research into hormones, and hormone disruptors, showed him that many of the seemingly innocent products we put in our homes can cause serious health issues.
Knowing that germs can also present health issues.
He and Emily endeavored to make something that’d be tough on bugs, but also be gentle for use around the youngest children.
1 bottle, which is just 16 ounces, contains enough concentrate to last you years.
And, it’s 100% natural and 100% toxin free, which makes it great for anyone who wants a cleaning product that gets the job done and doesn’t threaten your health.
And just in case you need a reminder about the dangers of other cleaning products, we’re going to give you a brief rundown of how other products could potentially damage sensitive systems within the body.
Why Most Household Cleaners Aren’t Ideal For Daily Use
There are thousands of potentially toxic chemicals in the average home.
Sadly, some of the more disruptive ones are consistently used in products that you expect to be safe.
Here’s a small list of these chemicals.
Normally found in window cleaners, 2-butoxyethanol is a solvent that the EPA has warned could lead to sore throat, narcosis, pulmonary edema, and severe liver and kidney damage.
A popular cleaning agent in many products, it’s a powerful irritant that can cause and aggravate lung issues and breathing problems.
A persistent chemical, with a long history of danger, chlorine is incredibly dangerous. Inhalation can easily damage your lungs and other organs. And because it’s caustic the fumes can scar your airways and also disrupt cell function.
Skin contact also produces real problems and can permeate the skin/tissue barrier and poison the bloodstream,
Borax and Boric Acid:
The European Union published a report back in 2011 that cited boric acid as posing a danger to reproductive health (ECHA 2011). Drawing from a study of men working in factories that produced boric acid, they noted that these men had a greater risk of decreased sperm count and libido compared to the control.
And the EPA noted in 2006 “Chronic exposure to high doses of borax or boric acid causes testicular atrophy in male mice, rats and dogs (EPA 2006).”.
If you want to see more of the dangerous chemicals that hide in your home, click here to read Dr. Wiggy’s article on the subject.
Suffice to say, you’re not going to like what you see…
And that’s why you should only stick to products that clean, without dangerous side effects.
Clean It Well For Safe Cleaning
If you want to clean safely, Clean It Well can do that.
Plus, it smells great after everything is all said and done.
What’s inside Clean it Well?
Not much.
You can see the short ingredient list here.
The point is, people love this product.
Here are a few reviews:
Clean it Well All-Purpose Cleaner
I was looking for a cleaning product that was not harmful to breath while cleaning. ‘Clean it Well’ met my expectations. No harsh chemicals (non-toxic), a gentle citrus smell, that makes you enjoy cleaning with it. And it is true, this product will last longer than most cleaning products that I have previously used (only 1 capful to 16 oz of water). By the way it does clean very well.
“I love the citrus smell, the fact it shines up my stainless steel without leaving any smudges and streaks and doesn’t leave a greasy film. Plus knowing it’s plant-based and non-toxic means I can clean without worry of what’s getting on my skin.”
We have a ton more reviews like this, and you can save 15% off this bottle when you use the code NEWYOU2 before 1/03/20.
Go here and get a bottle now! You won’t regret it.