
Ultra-High Risk of Breast Cancer When You Do This

The American Center for Cancer Research reached a startling conclusion.

They discovered women who sit for work are at a much higher risk of breast cancer than those who don’t.

Citing a study done in Sweden, they showed how researchers who followed 29,000 Swedish women between 25 and 64 noticed something strange about a certain subset of these women.

After watching them for 25 years (they observed them at work and at home), they determined those who spent more time sitting at work, as well as when away from work, had an elevated risk of both breast and endometrial cancer

Healthy Day News gives us some insights on what the American Center for Cancer Research published

Study subjects were divided into three groups: those who had a sedentary job (such as working in an office) and did not participant in recreational sports, those who had a sedentary job but did participate in sports (such as running and handball), and those who had a physically active jobs that required more standing up (such as being a teacher) and also participated in recreational sports.

Women who were not active at their work or in their leisure time were 2.4 times more likely to be diagnosed with endometrial cancer (a cancer of the uterus lining), and also 2.4 times more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer before menopause, compared with those who were active at their jobs and in their leisure time. There was no link between inactivity and an increased risk of breast cancer after menopause.

Researchers noted one way to combat the risk was for people to get up and move frequently, there was one thing they didn’t cite.

One of the other causative factors in the formation of cancers is the improper placement of calcium in the body.

When your body’s ability to transport calcium is impaired it can cause calcium to deposit where its not wanted. This is a contributing factor in some cancers like breast cancer.

Part of the reason calcium will deposit in places where it shouldn’t is because of a lack of Vitamin K-2.

Vitamin K-2 actively finds calcium and moves it into bones and teeth where it belongs.

Not only does this help with the formation of stronger bones, it can also help reduce your risk of cancer and heart attack.

Please keep in mind, when taking any kind of calcium supplements, you should be taking Vitamin K-2 as well for optimal health.

Around 150mg is the appropriate amount for an average adult.

Talk soon,


Dr. Wiggy