From the desk of Dr. Lantelme – Allow me to go on the record saying something I believe to be crucially important. In every industry, in every sphere of influence and role of power, there happen to exist certain people who use their position or agency for personal gain. What I discussed in my previous post is how the USDA has allowed the modern agricultural movement to cause people to remain in a progressive a state of sickness. People might not instantly end up on their death beds because of eating USDA approved food, but they aren’t fully experiencing the kind of health they should be, either.
Hello, it’s Dr. Lantelme again. It won’t take me all that long to show you how a few large regulatory and for-profit groups have managed to
Hi there, My name is Dr. Bruce Lantelme (that’s Lan-telm). I’m the founder of Robinhood Integrative Health as well as a founding partner in Health
I’m sure if I told you part of the reason you’re tired all the time has to do with both your lifestyle and your diet, you’d be inclined to agree with me.
Part of the problem with mainstream medicine is the inability to look at medicine in a holistic sense.
After practicing general pediatrics within the conventional medical care system for some 30 years, I recently retired from general pediatric practice and have begun to practice integrative or functional pediatric medicine after several years of intensive study and preparation.