Bone Health, Immunity

When Is High-Dose Vitamin D-3 Useful?

A few weeks ago I read a well-researched book on vitamin D-3 and came away with some big takeaways I plan to implement at the office here soon.

I do need to caution that some of the things I’m going to talk about in this article should only be considered under direct medical supervision.

I.e. some of these treatments would require you to come visit our office, or another clinic to ensure they’re undertaken properly.

That’s because we’re going to be talking about high-dose vitamin D-3.

As I’ve written about before, it’s generally accepted that if you want to ensure that you’re actually changing vitamin D-3 levels that you should take 7,500 IUs. This is the amount we include in our Health As It Ought To Be vitamin D-3 and it’s recognized as a safe amount for adults to take. Especially if you want to receive the therapeutic benefit related to heart health, bone health, immune health, blood sugar health and more.

However, I believe based on my understanding of how vitamin D-3 interacts with the immune system, there are times when it’s OK to take 25,000 IUs or more.

Again, do not read that and conclude that I’m telling you to take 25,000 IUs of vitamin D-3.

EVEN IF you deal with some of the conditions I’ll mention here.

That’s because there are instances where taking too much vitamin D-3 can damage you without the help of a physician monitoring various labs.

Before I mention what high-dose vitamin D-3 is for, I’m going to run through the dangers because I want to impress upon you the risk imposed with taking vitamin D-3 on your own.

The Dangers Of Vitamin D-3 Supplementation Do Not Outweigh the Benefits 

As I stated above, there are real benefits associated with taking high-dose vitamin D-3.

But, things can certainly go sideways.

Vitamin D-3 is a fat-soluble vitamin which means that when taken in excess it can prove toxic.

The biggest complication presented by Vitamin D therapy is the development of something called hypercalcemia.

Hypercalcemia is the presence of too much Calcium in the blood, and subsequently too much calcium being filtered by the kidneys. When too much Calcium is being filtered by the kidneys this can potentially contribute to kidney stones. In extreme cases too much vitamin D-3 may lead to kidney failure. That’s far from ideal.

The good news is the danger of hypercalcemia and high-dose vitamin D-3 can be lessened when the presence of other micronutrients are added into your diet (things like vitamin K-2 which pulls calcium out of your bloodstream and puts it in the bones and teeth).

I generally recommend about 150mcg of Vitamin K2 per 7500 IUs of Vitamin D-3.  The other mineral that you should be taking with Vit D-3 is Magnesium. Magnesium also helps with Calcium transport. I recommend Magnesium Malate since it has been shown to have superior absorption compared to other forms of Magnesium.

Another thing that too much vitamin D-3 can do is weaken your bones.

Vitamin D’s role as a hormone (that’s really what vitamin D-3 is) is to pull calcium into the bloodstream. When there’s too much vitamin D-3 in the body what happens is it will seek out and destroy bones (and teeth) to pump the blood full of calcium.

These are the primary risks of taking too much vitamin D-3.

The good news is vitamin D-3 isn’t nearly as toxic as people believe it to be. And when combined with micronutrients and under the observation of a physician there’s no good reason not to take high-dose vitamin D-3.

Now, the question is, why and when should someone take high-dose vitamin D-3.

Glad you asked.

The Why And When Should Someone Take High-Dose Vitamin D-3  

The fact of the matter is high-dose vitamin D-3 is a highly targeted approach to resolving specific health issues.

What we plan to use high-dose vitamin D-3 for primarily is helping people deal with auto-immune issues as well as treating certain kinds of infections.

We know that vitamin D-3 is incredibly helpful at boosting immune function.

Consider the advice from Dr. Lantelme in his paper written about dealing with coronavirus.

I won’t get too much into the specifics of what D-3 treats because it really can be case-specific and would take into account other treatment regimens you’ve attempted to implement and what your results were.

Again, I’m going to be using it in the office primarily for auto-immune issues that aren’t being resolved with other treatments.

I’ll be writing more about this after initial results are in at the office, but just be aware that this is a treatment I think we’re going to be using with much more frequency.


Talk soon,
Dr. Wiggy

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