Is COQ10 Obsolete?
Are you over the age of 35?
Have you ever felt like you’re low on energy?
Have you ever worried about your ticker (your heart) going out early on you?
Do you want to get the most out of your workouts? Would you like to recover faster from those workouts?
Would you like to give your body a better chance to fight off the potential harm of prolonged inflammation?
Do you want to take one of the world’s most powerful antioxidants, and experience improved health?
Would you like me to stop asking so many questions?
If you said yes to any of the questions above, then you fit the profile for someone who should take COQ10.
But not any old COQ10, mind you.
Nope, a special kind… one proven easier to absorb and offered at a better value, too.
Look, I’m not saying COQ10 is obsolete.
That’d be foolhardy, since COQ10 is an essential antioxidant for a number of important bodily processes.
What I am here to tell you is, before you spend a single dime on a COQ10 supplement, you might want to make sure you’re getting the right kind.
Let me give you some background about the importance of COQ10.
After you learn this critical information, you’ll understand why it’s important to be picky when you buy it.COQ10 Is Not Obsolete,
But You Need The Right Kind!
When it comes to panaceas touted by the medical community, both integrative and not, one of the top “cure-alls” is COQ10.
Now I’m sure you’ve heard of COQ10.
Interesting fact about COQ10, its full name is Coenzyme Q10.
As the name implies, COQ10 helps support enzymatic functions in the body. This is why it’s a coenzyme. The most important enzymatic function it supports is helping cells generate energy.
It supports this process primarily by supporting the manufacture of an important molecule known as ATP.
You might know about ATP, as I’ve talked about how it’s the major energy source for your body’s cells.
ATP is responsible for almost all energy intensive biological processes, including muscle contraction and the production of protein.
And COQ10’s role in ATP production is where its popularity stems from.
When most people think about taking COQ10, it’s generally in regards to heart health.
This is why COQ10 supplements are typically marketed to individuals 35 and older who want to protect and/or support their heart.
Whether you realize it or not, your heart is the most energy intensive organ in your body.
As you age, a problem a problem starts to emerge when it comes to how your heart works.
And that has everything to do with how much COQ10 is available to keep it beating at full strength.The Problem With COQ10…
And How To Fix ItI wish it weren’t true, but the amount of COQ10 in your body begins to decline as you get older.
We’re not quite sure exactly when this happens, but research suggests around the age of 35-40.
As COQ10 levels drop, it makes it harder for your heart (as well as other organs) to function.
And the heart, being the biggest energy hog out there (no offense to the heart) is the one that needs the most supplemental help.
It’s for this use that COQ10 is often recommended for heart health.
The following analogy is going to be very elementary, and not all that accurate from a physiological perspective, but I just want you to understand how COQ10 works.
COQ10 essentially acts as a battery for your heart. As long as you have enough juice in the battery, then your heart will do its job.
If battery levels start to drop, then the heart won’t function like it should. It’ll be a bit wimpier and will thump along at a reduced efficiency level.
Obviously, that won’t do much for your body when you’re looking for some get up and go. But the worst part is how prolonged low-battery levels can affect your heart.
As Dr. Andrew Weil writes:
“Studies in both animals and humans have associated significantly decreased levels of CoQ10 with a wide variety of diseases. Since this enzyme is found in high concentration in heart muscle cells, deficiency has been associated with cardiovascular [concerns].
Those who are taking statins to lower cholesterol are at particular risk for deficiency, because not only do statins reduce cholesterol levels, but they also block CoQ10 synthesis in the body.
Low CoQ10 levels in patients on statins can contribute to the common side effects of statin therapy such as fatigue and aching joints and muscles.”
And that’s the tip of the iceberg when it comes to COQ10 deficiency.
Truth is, there is a wide range of other concerns associated with low levels of COQ10.
These include:
- Mortality: Because COQ10 gives you “more battery”, if you’re low on this antioxidant, it could mean you may not live as long.
- Brain Health: Because COQ10 is a powerful antioxidant, the lack of this nutrient can contribute to oxidation in the brain, which may lead to something more worrisome down the road.
- Mood: Research indicates sometimes mood can result from a lack of ATP to power the cells. COQ10 can give the cells the ATP they need to work helping to improve mood.
- Insulin Management: Long-term blood sugar control can be maintained with COQ10.
And many more.
All of this evidence indicates the importance behind maintaining proper COQ10 levels.
And it’s also why I wanted to make sure you know which COQ10 is the right one to take.
THIS Is The Best Form Of COQ10If you were to shop for COQ10, you’ll see there are two kinds of COQ10 on the shelves.
Bottles with nothing more than COQ10 on the outside, and others with the word ubiquinol on the outside.
The bottles that say COQ10 offer you the inactive and oxidized version of COQ10, known as ubiquinone.
The bottles with the word ubiquinol on the outside contain the active antioxidant form of COQ10. This is the version your body needs to help increase the production of cellular ATP.
Ubiquinol is the best form of COQ10 by far.
Now when I say “best” form of COQ10, I simply mean it’s the easiest for your body to use.
If you were to take ubiquinone, your body can convert it into ubiquinol. But it doesn’t convert it that well and you have to take quite a bit more ubiquinone to get the desired levels of ubiquinol in your body.
It’s for this reason that I recommend going to straight to ubiquinol, when possible.
When you consider how much more bioavailable ubiquinol is, the slightly higher price comes out in the wash.
If you’re over 35, it’s almost a mistake to take COQ10 because of how much you’d need to take to get the necessary amounts of ubiquinol required to recharge your batteries.
The brand we trust to give you the best version of ubiquinol is Life Extension.
They were one of the first companies to produce ubiquinol and their quality is top-notch.
You can get yours here or by clicking on the picture below.
Dr. Wiggy