Glucose Optimization

6 Step Blood Sugar Report: Step 2

Step 2: Wake up and eat this!

Welcome ! I’m so glad you’re back for Step 2 of the Blood Sugar Fix. If you haven’t had a chance to read over Step 1: My Secret Weapon, please find it in your email. I strongly encourage you to NOT skip over Step 1. While really simple, just adding Berberine into your daily supplement routine twice a day can make a world of difference. Remember, we’re building a progression of easy steps for success.

I’m really excited to share with you Step 2 — Wake up and eat this!  

This will help you set the stage to transform your body from fat and blood sugar storage to a fat and blood sugar burning machine.

Tomorrow morning you can get started with an easy, yet very important change. “Breaking” your overnight “fast” with FAT.  

I know that may sound crazy but I really believe that what you break your overnight fast with will determine what type of fuel the body prefers to burn through the rest of the day. By feeding your body fat first thing in the morning, your body will look to consume the rest of the circulating blood sugar, first. 

And, this is the key to the success of fat-based (ketogenic) diets.

This change trains your body to burn through any residual blood sugar quickly and efficiently, and then begins burning through fat. The result is better blood sugar numbers and loss of some of that stubborn fat.

Here are some of my favorite keto-recipes to try first thing tomorrow morning: 

(Note: where the recipe says “Blend”, for best results use a hand blender or blender to blend the fat into the liquid)

1 — Dr. Wiggy’s Coffee  

I start with this everyday. It really is quick, simple and tastes great!!

Coffee of choice
1 scoop of Ketox Shake 
1 tbsp of Brain Octane or grass-fed butter, optional
Blend and enjoy.

2 — Cinnamon Cacoa Smoothie 

1 cup milk substitute (almond or coconut)
1 tablespoon nut butter of choice
1 scoop of Ketox Shake
1 tbsp of Brain Octane or grass-fed butter, optional
Ice as needed
Cacoa powder to taste
Cinnamon powder to taste

Blend and enjoy.

3 — Avocado Breakfast Bowl 

1 avocado, halved and the stone removed
1 tbsp olive oil
2 pasture raised eggs
2 slices of bacon cut into small pieces
Salt and pepper to taste

Start by scooping out the avocado flesh and cut into pieces. Place a large saucepan on low heat and add in the olive oil. Crack eggs into a bowl and beat them, adding a pinch of salt and pepper. Add the bacon to one side of the pan and let them fry for a couple of minutes on their own. Then add the eggs to the other side of the pan and stir regularly as they scramble. The eggs and bacon should both be done 5 minutes after the eggs are added to the pan. If you find your eggs are done a little before the bacon, remove the scrambled eggs from the pan and place in a bowl. Mix the bacon pieces, scrambled eggs, and avocado slices together in a bowl.

Give each of the breakfasts a try over the next 3 mornings and see which works for you. You may decide to stick with one or alternate them. It’s up to you. Whichever you decide is the right start to your day, you’ll love the convenience and simplicity. Like I said, my goal is to make it easy for you to achieve success.

And, smile during breakfast and think of how you’re training your body to work for you. You can’t help but look forward to a beautiful day.

So, to summarize

Step 1: My Secret WeaponStart taking Berberine 1 capsule twice daily 

Step 2: Eat This for Breakfast. Break your fast with fat.

If you want to try out our Ketox Shake you can get it here. (If you received a special email from me, check there for a discount code. If you would like a discount code you can sign up for that series here).

Tomorrow, is Step 3 of The Blood Sugar Fix so keep an eye out for that. It’s important to follow each step in order to reap the maximum benefits.

Remember the magic happens when you put all these pieces of the puzzle together.

And, Step 3 will only take up 10 minutes of your day. In this step, I am going to teach you the most effective way to workout and improve blood sugar.

Microworkouts. Come back tomorrow and discover an unexpected approach to adding exercise. Don’t miss this “Oh my gosh” moment!


Talk soon,

Dr. Wiggy

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